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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Example Multiple Choice Questions by Blooms Taxonomy Level

Examples of Multiple Choice Items at the Levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy
Level 1: Recall 
Definition: Remembering previously learned material; may involve the recall of a wide range of material from specific facts to complete theories, but merely requires bringing to mind the appropriate information.
A three-year-old child can usually be expected to:
  1. Cry when separated from his or her mother
  2. Have imaginary friends
  3. Play with other children of the same age
  4. Constantly argue with older siblings
Level 2: Comprehension
Definition: The ability to grasp the meaning of material; may be shown by translating material from one form to another; by interpreting material (explaining or summarizing), by estimating future trends (predicting consequences of effects).
The termination process is MOST often associated with:
  1. Evaluating goals and accomplishments
  2. Implementing a plan of action
  3. Setting limits
  4. Developing a contract
Level 3: Application
Definition: The ability to use learned materials in new and concrete situations; may include the application of such things as rules, methods, concepts, principles, laws, and theories. 

Mrs. H has had little energy to care for her young children or her house since her husband died a few months ago. She has no income and little food. The protective service agency has become involved since her children were left unsupervised. What is the FIRST goal to work toward in implementing a treatment plan for Mrs. H?
  1. Help her grieve her husband’s death
  2. Get a volunteer parent aid to help with parenting skills
  3. Help her get AFDC and food stamps
  4. Refer her for medication for depression
Level 4: Analysis
Definition: The ability to break down material into its component parts so that its organizational structure may be understood; may include the identification of the parts, analysis of the relationships between parts, and recognition of the organizational principles involved.
A seven-year-old boy is brought to a child guidance clinic by his parents for treatment. The boy is hyperactive, has violent temper tantrums, is difficult to control, and gets along poorly with his peers. He has a history of a difficult, high forceps delivery, projectile vomiting, and was a fussy, irritable baby. The social worker should:
  1. Refer the child to a neurologist
  2. Begin psychotherapy with the parents
  3. Ascertain what the parents have done to reinforce this behavior
  4. See the parents and child together for therapy
Level 5: Synthesis
Definition: The ability to put parts together to form a new whole; may involve the production of a plan of operation or a set of abstract relations.

A fourteen-year-old girl refuses to attend school despite pleading by both of her parents. A physical examination reveals no medical problem, and a joint assessment by the social worker and psychiatrist indicates no apparent reactive element instigating the sudden school avoidance. The girl appears depressed; she herself is unsure of why she is not attending school. The BEST intervention by the social worker is to:
  1. Recommend that the girl remain home for at least another week without pressure
  2. Intervene with school authorities to provide her with home tutoring when absent
  3. Urge all concerned to apply pressure to achieve return to school and arrange an
    appointment with the girl
  4. Begin to assist the family to explore alternative schools for possible transfer

Article adapted from information obtained from Dr. Chuck Dzuiban, RITE, UCF, 2011

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