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Thursday, November 22, 2018

Academic Writing For Business

  Writing is a form of communication with some specific strengths and some specific weaknesses.  The entire process can be divided into a number of subset sections.  For example, Expository Writing is comprised of fact.  Descritptive Writing utilizes rich description. Persuaive Writing attempts to make a particular cae for something and bring the reader to the writer's point of view.  While Narrative Writing tells a story (Traffis). Academic Writing (AW) which we will be using in this class is an example of Expository Writing.
     AW is fact-based and characterized by 1) use of the third-person pronouns as the author's opinion doesn't occupy a central position in information. 2) It is characterized by facts.  Again, opinion, conjecture, musings of various sorts may be well and in good in other types of writing but not here.  3) Documentation.  In academic writing, the idea is not to have the reader take the author's word for something but rather to be able to follow the writer's logic and follow the documentation in the bibliography back to the source of the witer's facts.  This allows the reader to agree, disagree, and learn from the author's logic analysis.
     Opinion of the author is the core and expectation in the journalist product known as Op-Ed or Opinion-Editorial.  Reporting the news is one thing.  Providing one's opinion, informed, logical, or otherwise is something different.
     The fantasy of the author is the core and expectation in writing known as a novel.  A novel is a story told by the author.  There is no right or wrong and any facts used and how they are used by the author are at his/her discretion to support the development of the story.
Applegate, M., Five Types of Genres in Writing, Retrieved from:
Academic Writing, Genres in Academic Writing, UEfAP, Retrieved from:
Traffis, Catherine, (2018). Learn the Types of Writing: Expository, Descriptive, Persuasive, and Narrative, Grammarlyblog, Retrieved from:

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Teaching Strategies to Enhance Learning

Teaching Strategies to Enhance Learning of Single Gender Class
Students learn best when they know teaching strategies by teachers and school-wide curriculum that fits their learning styles. Ibanez (2011) identified fours strategies to implement in enhancing the learning needs of single gender classroom:
  1. Pedagogic strategies- this strategy includes the holistic approach in teaching, such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
  2. Individual strategies- teachers need to identify the student’s strength and weakness and address their specific learning needs.
  3. Organizational strategies- Organize and develop ethos and culture of the whole school level that encourage students to respond positively when they feel valued and supported by the school system.
  4. Sociocultural strategies- Teachers engage and motivate learners to become fully involved to develop self-esteem-based rather than values that conflict their interest.
Another interesting tool is the use of Avatars technology.  Avatar Technology was first introduced in 1990s, but there were some technical issues and at the present digital age, learners prefer to use gender compatible Avatars (Adham, Parslow, Dimitriadis, & Lundqvist, 2018). Moreover, Adham, Parslow, Dimitriadi, and Lundqvist (2018) found in their recent study the benefits of Avatar application to single gender learners are:
  1. Increased social interactions and community development, 
  2. Help in eliminating social restrictions, 
  3. It help decreasing social anxiety
  4. Enhance student’s motivation to learn.  
Avatar Technology was first introduced in 1990s, but there were some technical issues and at the present digital age, learners prefer to use gender compatible Avatars (Adham, Parslow, Dimitriadis, & Lundqvist, 2018).
Adham, R., Parslow, P., Dimitriadi, Y., & Lundqvist, K. O. (2018). The use of Avatars in Gender segregated online learning within the MOOCs in Saudi Arabia- A Rwqa case study. International Journal of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 19(1), 203-219.
Ibanez, N. (2011). Best Practices in Single Gender Education. Department of Research and Evaluation, Austin Independent School District. Retrieved from _Practices_in_single_Gender_Education.pdf
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