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Monday, July 2, 2018

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search engine optimization is the process of refining your website, using both on-page and off-page practices, so that it will be indexed and ranked successfully by search engines (Dodson, 2016). In order for a company to have their ad at the top of the list there are many steps that need to be taken. The main focus area should be on SERP (search engine results page). This is the main web page that a search engine returns that lists the results of a user’s search (Dodson, 2016). For instance, if you type in replacement jeep seats, you will see ads that are flagged with yellow first, these are paid ads, then you will see more sites that offer this product that best fit your search. Goals, on-page optimization, off-page optimization, and analyzing are the four key factors that will play a role in where your ad rates among the competition. When a company takes the time to set goals based on day-to-day tasks that will increase your businesses profitability as well as reach a larger client base. There are several kinds of goals that a company can set based on their expectations for the future from engagement, conversations, reputation, leadership, and competitive advantage (Dodson, 2016). On-page optimization refers to the keyword terms, long-tail keyword, and keyword research which basically all refer to the words that are used most often to discover your webpage. Utilizing the proper terminology can drastically increase the amount of online traffic that the webpage has over a given period of time. Now this is where the website ranking comes into play with the next step of off-page optimization. You want to engage the readers to maximize the number of times your webpage is viewed. After all of these steps are thoroughly planned out and researched, you will need to analyze a final plan to ensure that your website produces a well sought-after image that will be at the top of the search engine list.

Dodson, Ian. (2016). Chapter 2: search engine optimization . The Art of Digital Marketing: the Definitive Guide to Creaating Strategic,    Targeted, and Measureable Online Campaigns. Retrieved from

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