Hospitality Career Planning
Reflections of a Hospitality newbie...Knowing where you would like to be, where you are heading, and who you will be is only
defined by you. With the course of time and age, opinions, jobs, atmosphere and people change. It's not easy to stay the same as you were, the same as learning how to do something right after doing it wrong for so long. I would like to work in the full-service restaurant segment, in hopes, to one day own a fine dining establishment in a near future. There are four segments to the
hospitality industry, food & beverage, lodging, recreation, & travel and tourism. The food service is our largest division of the industry in the U.S. Commercial food service, quick-service
restaurants, & full service restaurants divide the rest. Each of which have sub categories with
anywhere from one form of service to five branches of service. I have and still do work in all
areas of the industry. Fast food is an area that is more suitable for good basic knowledge,
learning how to manage time and basic portions, & communication and people skills. I have
surpassed that area, applying more attention to the back of house. I do find that the front of the house is full of vigor, and holds a welcoming atmosphere where as boh is full of movement and yelling. But it is the chaos that I like I believe, the need to continuously up the tempo, and be
orderly still.
In today's society the path you choose or are able to take depends on you. In most cases a student does not have all the opportunities at hand to get ahead, there are processes that allow
such. In my case I have a G.E.D. I am still contemplating going back to school to take test like ACT, SAT, or get a high school diploma. In any case I can still get ahead and get into an
extraordinary school as such. I can still pursue other areas, during high school you should be
entry level, that is an hourly paid job. In this time frame after being done with high school you should be in the process of your college associates degree or courses and still have part time
employment. Starting from the bottom, is the way things are when you have credentials or do
I have wanted to train for an entry level supervisor position such as shift leader or team
leader or even under-go management training. In a business such as the cookout or cheddars it is easier to progress through the ladder. In this case its somewhat the next step I should take. You can go for this goal while undergoing your bachelor's degree or by working hard in the business you are in. Graduate school is a great opportunity after leaving your university. With these
credentials applying and obtaining an assistant manager, or department manager position is
within reach. More knowledge and training after moving up into these positions is still too come, there is still yet higher you can climb. Such as district manager, general manager, and CEO
positions such as senior executive.
I am in the process of finishing out my associate degree, even still I have knowledge of the
kitchen area, boh and foh. I can apply from inside the team, and be trained without having to
move or leave until after I have completed training. I am more dominant in the boh so I wish to really make a marker in this area. I had applied and was selected for management training in the
cookout it was decided that I become a trainer and traveler. Practice makes perfect, and I don't believe you should rush success. I took a step back to take a look at my more problematic areas. After my bachelor's I plan on pursuing and securing a higher position of management.
I dream of becoming a great sues chef and owing a restaurant or two ... That's not so Far
away, it can be accomplished. Looking at short term goals, I have a nice list. Things can change quickly so i'm trying to keep afloat of them. I'm having my first child in a fow months my first girl, I would like to teach her everything I learn. As me and my fiance will be new parents I find it essential to try and get ahead of what we can. Obtaining our degrees are of most importance, and for me obtaining proper credentials along with any skills I can in my area of expertise is just as beneficial to me right now as obtaining both or three degrees. I plan on working while in
school. I'm looking into hotel kitchens or resorts like Gaylord or near Nashville Shores. I know that I can apply for scholarships and grants in companies like these and it would help me along my way. The knowledge of using new technology and skills I cannot learn in a book is what I
really look for in my experiences.
After I acquire my associates I should be in the position to move into the fifth or sixth phase of my career ladder for restaurant manager or lodging food and beverage. Taking a pause in my
career I will start my degree for culinary arts, and obtain my associate in this field as it is much needed. I graduate in September of next year, so I will apply for fall term in the same college. I hope to move next year closer to campus and to a more suitable location for my career path. A
place with a heartier enterprise and commuting. I need to at the least be making 40,000 dollars or more a year. The need for my associate in culinary is so I may become a chef in any
establishment and work while securing my bachelor. Working with a broader team or learning
how to delegate and manage a numerous amount of staff, is hands on training and not something one can be prepared for so easily. Budgeting, constant hard work and studying arc the building blocks for my success.
Long term I should have that establishment with my own staff and team to oversee. I would invest in a starter business early on though something such as edibles and pastry making on the side, or a food cart/truck. You should try every aspect of your industry not I imiting yourself to one area, as that just places you in a box. Diversity is key in our industry, not just being diverse but being able to deal with diversity as well. Allowing myself to train and try everything has made me happy and knowledgeable, I have plenty far to go however. Le Cordon Bleu will take me further than I have come in my recent years. It is a path of success and hard work I plan on making it far, I was hoping my parents would see me graduate and begin college but they passed away but they are watching. I have not had the best path laid out in the past, however I always follow through with something, and I know where I can go and am going.
Exploring the Hospitality Industry- Ch.1 p.9 figures 1-1, 1-5 & 1-7
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