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Monday, May 30, 2016

The Road to Leadership

 The Road to Leadership

While managing an organization is difficult at times, being able to manage an organization through organizational changing is even more difficult.  When it comes to managerial theories or strategies when it comes to leading a group through change, most managers use a combination of various theories to be successful during the change process.  Of the most commonly types of theories used in today workplace; contingency theory and chaos theory.  They help managers develop strategies to help motivate their workforce to be more productive and successful through the change process.
Contingency theory allow managers to make decision based on the situation at hand rather than a “one size fits all” method.  Based on the information given to the manager given the current situation at hand.  While going through the internship I have learned that in each part of the organization the contingency theory exist.  The management in one part of the organization is different, then in other parts of the organization based on the leadership style of the person in charge of that area. The two type of behaviors that leaders within this organization have.  The first behavior is the ability to build good rapport and relationship with individuals they work with and they show a real concern for them.  The second behavior, are those leaders that provide structure to ensure that assignments or goals are completed.  As the manager for Kaplan radio, I have attempt to make change a positive effect, instead of a negative effect.  By building a good working relationship with individuals that I work with, I try to stay positive and look for the good rather than the bad.  By staying positive and supportive, not only minimize the effect change has on an organization, but the effects that has on the team.
The chaos theory indicates managers in business knowns, that change is always constant.  While some of the situation in an organization can be controlled, not all can be controlled.  While a company may grow, the complexity and the possibility for liable events may increase.  In these situation more structure is needed in order to stabilize the company, while the system continues to grow and change.  While small changes or situation can be chaotic, managers must be able to understand the “Three R’s of Chaos Theory Management” (Blair).  First, they must to understand that everything can be serious scrutiny.  The smallest conversation you may have with someone can cause unknown problems.  Second, you are only a friend to the employees until some action or situation that changes you from a friend to an “enemy”.  Finally, not matter what action that are taken small or large needs to be checked on a regular and consistent bases, and be ready for any negative impact they may have on the organization.  Since this internship is short in comparison to a long term job, the chaos theory still exist.  Even though you develop relationship with other student to helpful more the organization in a positive directions, each of the three R’s are relevant.  As managers within the organization we walk a fine line trying to make the organization better, while still trying to be part of the group per say.  Take for example, managerial change.  Two interns that have worked together for three weeks on a project, they have developed a working relationship with each and trust each will do what is right.  The following week one is given a promotion, while the other is still in the same position.  The one that did not get promoted is not happy of the situation and feels they did as much work as the other person and should be rewarded as well.  The working relationship is changed and the three R’s go into effect.  Again, the above example may not always occur, but it happen more then we like to think. 
To effectively manager change in an organization, leaders must be able recognize "change" does not need managed, but the individual effect by change do. In order to effectively manage and lead people through any change, managers need to be aware of the different ways people prefer to deal with change; and to realize that your insights of the change styles of others are colored by your own.

Fielder, F. E. (1964). A theory of leadership effectiveness. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.),
Advances in experimental social psychology. New York: Academic Press

Blair, B.G. (????)What is Choas Theory and How Does It Apply to Your Organization? Retrieve (2015)

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