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Friday, March 31, 2017

Affirmations Work!

Affirmations Work!

Trust me, I wouldn't do this to you unless I had to, I think we all need this.  Affirmations work.   You don't have to say them in the mirror, you don't have to hug yourself or buy a special rainbow journal with a lock on it to write them down in, but if you want to turn this ship around, you need to rewire your brain and train it to think differently.  This is what affirmations can do for you.
Figure out what affirmations you need to hear the most and repeat them all day long in your head, in the car, while showing homes, under your breath in the office.  Write them down on a post it note and stick them around your house, on your mirror, in the refrigerator, in your car.  Write down your favorite affirmations ten times every morning and ten times at night, and say them out loud.

Here are a few examples
  • I deserve to have many opens & listings and make lots of money
  • I am the best at what I do
  • I am brilliant, bright and beautiful
  • Superman has nothing on me (lol)
  • I love how Slim I am going to be....... (I love my ***)  
Or whatever, if none of these work, come up with some that don't make you gag but strike a nerve with you.   Yes in the beginning it may feel like your lying to yourself, but the truth is your living a lie, so the affirmations get you back to the truth.

This cant be just rattling off nonsense- You have to FEEL it and WANT it and get WORKED UP by it in order for it work.   REMEMBER - YOU ARE A BAD*** !!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

New Product Development Process

New Product Development Process
Part 1:
Short Essay: Write a minimum 200 word discussion in response to each of your 3 essay questions using research from your textbook to help substantiate your understanding of products and the new product development process. Apply APA style referencing in your writing.  

1. With regard to consumer appeal, compare and contrast the GaGa's brand with the Sherbetter name of the product. Why did Jim King and his wife choose the GaGa's brand over the use of Sherbetter as the brand of the product?


            Jim King and his wife chose to use the GaGa's brand over Sherbetter because they felt that GaGa was more memorable. Sherbetter could result in some confusion in the relationship to sherbert in the eyes of customers.  The health department approved the name of Sherbetter because GaGa's product is not a sherbert but is better.  Overall the ability to remember an iconic name like GaGa's won and became the brand.

2. Type the following phrase into your website browser: "Gaga Gourmet Frozen Dessert and Ice Cream." On the results page, identify retailer websites and social media websites that feature the Gaga's brand and product offerings. Explore these resources and identify a single Gaga Gourmet product offering. Discuss the following topics related to your chosen Gaga Gourmet product offering:

· Product Features
· Product Benefits
· Product Packaging
· Product Labeling
· Trademark

            Several results pulled up in regards to "Gaga Gourmet Frozen Dessert and Ice Cream".  Some of these were Facebook, Star Market, Gluten Free Girl, and Twitter.  I chose Star Market for my review.
Product Features: Rainbow colored frozen dessert. 16 oz container with 4 servings per container.
Product Benefits: For a serving size of 0.5 cup there is only 160 calories, 4g total fat, and also provides 2g of protein.
Product Packaging: consists of a cardboard container with a lid
Product Labeling: Very plain with no over the top colors on the container.
Trademark: Contains the GaGa brand in the appropriate font and is clearly visible.

Part 2:
Defend Your Answer Challenge:

Step 1:Highlight your multiple choice answer in yellow.

Step 2: Write a 100 (or more) word discussion in defense of each of your answers to the multiple choice and true/false questions using research from your textbook to help substantiate your understanding of products and the new product development process. Apply APA style referencing in your writing.  

3. What type of consumer product is the Sherbetter bar?
a. Shopping Product
b. Convenience Product
c. Specialty Product
d. Unsought Product


4. When GaGa’s developed Sherbetter Bars, what type of new product was that?
a. Repositioned product
b. Improvement on an existing product
c. Addition to an existing product line
d. New product line


5. Performing which of the following steps in the new-product development process would have helped Jim King realize that the novelty bars and the pints of Sherbetter would not be shelved together?

a. Business Analysis

b. Development

c. Test Marketing

d. Commercialization



6.  At which stage of the new product development process should GaGa’s have conducted its extensive focus groups and any research it needed before putting GaGa’s Sherbetter on the shelves?

a. Idea Generation

b. Development
c. Idea Screening
d. Business Analysis


7. In what stage of the new product development process should GaGa's have introduced Sherbetter and the companies marketing program into the market to gauge consumer reactions?
a. Test Marketing
b. Target Marketing
c. Business Analysis
d. Commercialization


8. In what stage of the product life cycle is Sherbetter?
a.   Introduction
b.   Growth
c.   Maturity
d.   Decline



Lamb, C. W., Hair, J. F., & McDaniel, C. (2012). MKTG5. Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage.

Radio Broadcasting and the Global Impact

No longer are today’s business limited by geographical boundaries. With the use of modern communication devices, the business world is expanding its boarders internationally.  With the coming of globalization, international business are becoming increasingly popular while global companies are among st the most profitable in the world. In order to be successful an organization must be aware of the language and culture of the country where it plans to conduct business with its investments. Policies and laws of the nation can either make global business easy or hard. With the success of global business, its future is gleaming, on a large scale.  While global businesses continue to expand into markets outside the United State, business are restricted not only of laws within the United States, but international laws where the company plan to conduct business in.  Laws are not the only things that limit the change for a business to grow globally.  Organization must come to realize the affects and the dangers associated with expanding outside national boards.  There are many factors which affect the risk that a company takes when expanding into a foreign market; exchange rates, government policies, or political stability. All have a major effect on the investment companies usually make in a foreign country.
What do these changes mean for a U.S.-based company like University Radio?  From a business standpoint, University Radio will face increased competition. However, they will also have increased opportunities to take advantage of new and expanding markets.  As the emerging countries continue to grow, they aren’t just producing more, but they are also consuming more.  Organization considering these new opportunities to grow need to be prepared for the trials of doing business in these emerging markets. While not all emerging markets are alike, U.S. companies may find that many have numerous restrictions on currency transactions, complicated bureaucracies and less sophisticated banking systems. However, these challenges should not deter University Radio from expanding their business. As long as an organization is prepared to enter an emerging market they can provide profitable growth.

While the government is certainly a friend of business, providing financial, advisory and other forms of service to the corporate community. At the same time as, the government is also a friend of the public and the American consumer, and acts in what it perceives as their best interests with protective laws, rules and regulations. While companies may oppose some aspects of restrictive laws, taxes and regulations, they may also endorse other such requirements if they help their own specific business goals.   Public radio continues to be an energetic and significant part of many lives around the world. Public radio is meeting the challenges of a growing media landscape by taking full advantage of technological innovations including podcasting, Internet streaming, and other forms of communication.   But with continued growth and technology, new laws are passed to protect the rights to the creator of the music.  In 1998 the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DCMA) was passed by politicians.  While this law tries to protect artist, this law limits many features of Internet movement. It was created, to protect the copyrighted material of artists, scientists, writers, etc., as technology continues to change. Part of the DMCA law established that the recording industry would have a right to collect fees for their performers based on Internet "airplay."  It took a while for that to occur, but in 2003 - amongst much debate and confusion - a set of rules and fees was established for internet broadcasters to follow. In order to track what songs are played, broadcasters must provide thorough reports on every song played by every listener.  National Public Radio (NPR), the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and other organization have worked hard to help public radio stations with legal support and assistance to complicated tasks.  Another part of the law states that listeners should not be able to call up any particular song on demand, so therefore, there should be no way to "scroll" forward or backward through the streaming shows that contain recorded music. As this conflict still continues and may actually never be resolved due to more high level technological breakthroughs continue, the dual nature of government's relation to business may become increasing more regulatory and collaborative at the same time.

The political risk in international business entails discontinuities occurring in the business environment that are: difficult to anticipate; and that result from political action(s) or changes(s) that possess the potential to significantly affect profit or business goals. (Kluyver).
While many in the business world have long criticized the government about regulations and obstructive nature. Often cited as an impairment to corporate and small business profits, and a waste of precious time and effort, government regulation requirements have been criticized, side-stepped and violated by many a business since the early twentieth century when the corporate income tax and anti-trust laws were first enacted.
Since the enactment of anti-trust laws in the early twentieth century, followed by periodic increases in corporate tax rates and increasingly complex and restrictive regulatory laws governing the conduct of business, the American business community has generally been an opponent of any government law, regulation, compliance obligation or tax levy that it perceives to undermine profitability or impede business operations.

For decades, media economists have tried to work within the three categories found in the mass media: monopoly, oligopoly, and monopolistic competition (Albarran, 2002).  Yet other types of structures are evolving. Duopoly, a market with two primary firms, is becoming more common in media markets. U.S. examples at the beginning of the century included the market for new national digital satellite radio services, XM Radio and Sirius (Albarran & Pitts, 2001), and the market for Internet browsers, involving Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape.

With spread of new forms of communication globally, the growth of e of e-commerce within the United States, cyber economic crime has increased. Multiple studies still show that fraud, security, and privacy continue to be the primary detriment to the growth of e-commerce. Most economic crimes have a cyber-version today. These cyber- crimes offer more opportunities to the criminals, with larger payoffs and fewer risks. Websites can be spoofed and hijacked. Payment systems can be compromised and electronic fund transfers to steal funds or launder money occur at quick speeds. Serious cyber-crimes and victimization of the public have caused consumer confidence to waiver. While online advertising business has exploded in recent years and its newer model is opening up many opportunities for ill-intentioned actors. It is perhaps the only medium that allows for such granular targeting of your audience while also reaching out to millions of people at any given time, making it very attractive for cybercriminals. (Segura)
While no form of mass media has undergone as much change and evolution as radio, which continues to reinvent itself today. From its earliest forms of communication, radio in some form has provided programming to attract listeners and has influence us in our daily lives.  Political, economic, and cultural globalization is changing the way radio corporations compete: there is more competition than ever before; in some cases, entertainment products and services cover the globe; and the major companies’ capital is now worldwide. The first of these effects—more competitors in each market—is the result of a gradually shrinking world. The breaking down of global obstacles, the potential of new technologies, and the existence of a collective appearance shared by a great range of countries means that far-off and unfamiliar markets offer the right conditions for introduction and gaining new broadcasting. This fact is also directly linked to the growth of giant media groups; a global market has replaced their home countries as their natural setting. When companies become successful, their business decisions all have one factor in common: attempt to increase the organization exposure into the global market to attract more listeners and gain more revenue.  While globalization, contains many problems and provides great opportunities for organizations to expand globally and for each citizens, politicians should meet this new sensation in a spirit of modernization and ingenuity, finding ways for organization to grow and develop in coherence with the public interest.


Kluyver, de. “Global Trade.” The Political Imperative in International Business.
21 June 2001.

Albarran, A. B. (2002). Media economics: Understanding markets, industries and concepts
(2nd ed.). Ames: Iowa State UniversityPres

Albarran, A. B., & Pitts, G. G. (2001). The radio broadcasting industry. Needham Heights,
MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Segura, J (2014) MBPT Spotlight: Cybercriminals + Ad Networks = Dangerous Mix Called ‘Malvertising’ On The Loose

Antecedents of Target Marketing

Antecedents of Target Marketing
1.  In the first part of the video, Jen Mullin, the vice president of Marketing for Numi Organic Tea, clearly describes their typical customer. Using the information on segmentation you learned from reading Chapter 8 in Lamb, et al. (2014), discuss who the customer is and how the Numi marketing team figured that out?

ANSWER:  Market segmentation is when a market gets divided up into segments that are meaningful, identifiable and similar.  (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2014).  Market segmentation helps companies to be able to focus their resources better and make it easier to define marketing objectives (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2014). 

The market segments have to meet four criteria to be successful:  substantiality, identifiability and measurability, accessibility and responsiveness (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2014).  Substantiality means that the market segment created must be big enough for it to make sense to create a special marketing mix for that particular segment (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2014).  Identifiability and measurability means that  it is easy to identify certain characteristics of the segment and easy to collect and use data describing the segment and different demographic aspects about it (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2014).  Accessibility means that the segment that is created should be made up of people who are easy to make contact with (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2014).  Lastly, responsiveness means that separate marketing mixes should not be created if each segment would respond to one marketing mix the same (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2014). 

Mullin describes the target customer as college-aged females and young mothers who are interested in the organic aspect of the tea.  Numi figured out that their customer was college-aged females and young mothers by demonstrating sampling to survey their customer base in a way.  Once people tasted the tea they were more apt to give their true opinions and allowed Numi to get honest feedback and collect data on who their target customer is.  This allowed them to break down the market into segments where they could better focus their resources and gain clear objectives. 

ANSWER:  Numi’s principle marketing plan is to target the college-aged females and young mothers who value the organic aspect of the tea.  To target this segment, they involve themselves in a lot of community events that give back, like breast cancer fundraisers and things of that sort, that the young mothers and college-aged females are likely to attend.  Numi also incorporates taste testing into their market strategy to get their customers to truly try their product, having confidence that once they do, they will really like it. 

Numi likes to partner with restaurants as well that sell food that is along the lines of their organic tea.  They think that if someone asks for a cup of tea there and they have a large variety and really like it, they will inquire about the brand and also look into where they can buy more.

Numi is a very high quality tea so their prices are higher than the average tea.  They are an organic product which makes it more expensive to begin with and also have a variety of flavors that suit most people’s tastes.  They are becoming the world’s largest brand for organic tea, so they will not be reducing their prices. 

Numi was surprised by how many larger retailers wanted to partner with them and carry their product as well.  They thought because their product was more expensive than what people are used to paying for tea, that they would not be accepted at larger retailers like Costco and such, but they found that there is a huge demand for their product and people really like seeing it on the shelves. 

a.  Geographic segmentation
b.  Demographic segmentation
c.  Ethnic segmentation
d. Psychographic segmentation     

ANSWER:  Describing the typical customer as female, college-educated tea lover is using psychographic segmentation.  Psychographic segmentation is when the market is segmented by using the whole picture rather than just one aspect or characteristic.  Psychographic segmentation incorporates personality, motives, lifestyle and geodemographics into the segmentation (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2014).  The personality is the “eco-mom” personality of a female who is concerned about the environment and like to use organic products.  The motive is also the fact that the female is motivated to do better for the economy as well as for herself and use eco-friendly products.  The lifestyle is a college-educated woman who is knowledgeable of the product as well as other aspects of the company such as charitable community involvement. 

a. Geographic segmentation
b. Demographic segmentation
c. Benefit segmentation
d. Usage-rate segmentation

ANSWER:  Benefit segmentation is segmenting the market using the benefit the consumer expects to get out of the product (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2014).  Numi segmented their customer base into the group of people who are looking for the benefit of an organic product which is that the product is good for the environment and good for the consumer’s health.  Consumers of Numi also want tea that is of better quality than most teas out there so they are willing to pay a higher price for it.  Numi consumers also want the tea that they buy to be fair-trade meaning that it is reasonably priced and the benefits are of equal value to the consumer. 

a. Family life cycle
b. 80/20 principle
c. Undifferentiated targeting strategy
d. Concentrated targeting strategy

ANSWER:   Family life cycle segmentation is a series of family stages that incorporate a combination of age, the presence or absence of children and the marital status of individuals (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2014).  It is really important or Numi to pay particular attention to the family life cycle segmentation because as things change in people’s lives, their tastes and outlook on products may change as well.  For instance, if someone was buying the tea as a college student from their college café and then they graduate, get married, and have children, they might not have money to buy premium quality tea anymore and may have to settle for regular commodity tea. 

a. Age
b. Income
c. Ethnicity
d. Gender

ANSWER:  The CEO of Numi was very shocked to find out that the customers Numi was targeting at the high-end spas and fine restaurants were also shopping at Costco.  They realized that the consumer who would be going to high-end spas and fine restaurants shopped at Costco to save on packaging costs to buy groceries in bulk rather than paying for packaging to buy less of the product.  There was no real income difference in the customer because they were the same customer, just visiting very different places.  This makes it easy for Numi to not have to create another plan for another segment of customers. 

a.  Perceptual mapping
b.  One-to-one marketing
c.  Product differentiation
d.  Market segmentation

ANSWER:  Product differentiation is what a company uses to differentiate their product from the product of their competitors (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2014).  Product differentiation can either be a real difference in two products or a perceived difference in two products (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2014).  Numi’s product differentiation is a real difference in their product when comparing it with other commodity teas.  Their tea is organic and of premium quality because they use whole leaves.  Their raw ingredients are really expensive so their price is higher than their competitors, but not when you compare it to the quality of tea the consumer gets. 

a. Undifferentiated targeting
b. Concentrated targeting
c. Multisegment targeting
d. Niche targeting

ANSWER:   Numi found out that they had more than one target market.  Numi’s target market are eco-moms, college students and family travelers.   They target consumers who are at high-end spas as well as fine dining restaurants.  Their customers who are all there are also shopping at places like Costco, which gives them the benefit of mass selling their product without much effort to.  Multisegment targeting is when a company develops different marketing mixes for different segments (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2014).  I think it would be irrelevant for Numi to incorporate multisegment targeting because, although they have more than one segment, there would not be a different reaction to marketing to any of the segments because they overlap and all go to the same places. 

a. True
b. False

ANSWER:   Optimizers are companies who carefully choose products because they solicit bids and study all proposals and consider a large number of companies before making their decision (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2014).  Mullin knows that companies who seek Numi tea to go into gift baskets are optimizers because most of the time the gift baskets are consistent of all high quality products that are also organic and have the same quality that Numi tea does.  The promotional giveaways help Numi to market their product while it is beside other high quality and well-respected brands and products.

a. True
b. False

ANSWER:   Perceptual mapping is a way to graph the location, brands or groups of products that customers are thinking about (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2014).  The channel conflict that exists for Numi is that they are marketing their tea at high-end spas and fine dining restaurants.  They are also selling their product at places like Costco and Target.  When the spas and restaurants find out that Numi’s tea is at “lower-end” stores like Costco and Target, there can sometimes be a conflict because they want high-end products that make their customers feel special.  Creating a perceptual map can help Numi to visually see where their product is being sold and what other products may be at the same location or may be bought by the same consumers.

Lamb, C. W., Hair, J. F., & McDaniel, C. (2012). MKTG5. Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage.

Home Essentials Business Letter for Baby Gate Product

Home Essentials Business Letter for Baby Gate Product

To: CEO of Home Essentials
From: Ralphie Mophie, Marketing Manager
Subject: Baby gate/ Play area
Good afternoon, it has been brought to my attention that we are not seeing the sales we were expecting on the baby gate/ play area. The Baby products safety commission gave the gate a five star rating. We know that when the gate/play area is unlocked it can be free formed into any shape but once locked it stays in the shape that you locked it into.  I think the problem might be that once you lock it into to shape it might not be able to unlock it from that shape or the users have not figured out how to unlock the gate from the form.
I think we should start off by pulling the product out and testing out what it looks like when just in form and not locked. We need to see if it is sturdy, safe, and worth not locking it into the form. Figure out which form maximizes the gate/play area the best, to give the most useable room for the parent and the child. Once we have looked at every angle while unlock record what we find useful. Than lock it into place and see if it is sturdy, safe and easy to use locked. Can we move it around easily, with as little to no effort? Can we unlock the gate/play area to make new shape, take with us to the park or out of town? These things are factors that parents want to know about a product before they buy it.
See what kind of consumer reviews they are getting on this gate/play area. Ask people who are buying it why they purchased it and what they think could be changed. Make sure that all of our employees know everything we know about it to better assist in the sailing of the product. We could open a chat room or product response group to get feedback from consumers on the gate/play area so that we can try and solve the problem. If we find a design flaw we could offer suggestions to consumer on how to prevent them from being an issue once they have gotten the gate home. Possible it is that once you lock it you cannot change it, so instead of locking it into place just use it in free form so that you can keep using when and where ever you need.
We can post this on our site as well as a group chat the suggestion that we have. This will show our customers that we care about their needs and have listen to any and all complaints, sat down and trouble shooter to make a solution.
We sell the gate/play area for $100, we should check and see if this is as much as the competition or less than or more than. Price could be too high for many consumers with a new baby. If price is to low it might make it seem that the product is poorly made.  We want to be in the same price range as those around us selling it. We know that the product can be left unlock in free form and used in many ways. Once locked we are working on making sure that they can unlock and reshape.
We want to sell the product but we want to make sure we know everything about it as well. We will be taking it out and testing it out to see what it’s all about. This also allows the employees to be able to tell the customer all the great quality and flaws but what they can do to prevent those flaws from causing them to want to return or not buy the product. We also want to make sure that the product is placed in the right section of our stores.
I think we just need to fix it to where we can explain to the customers how to unlock the gate/play area so that if the need to take it on vacation they can. If we know everything about the gate/ play area this allows the consumer to know that we are there for them to ask any and all question. We will go out of our way to show them everything so that they will get all the benefits of the gate they are about to buy.
Thank you all for your time. Any questions or concerns please contact Ralphie Mophie at x123,

Why should Realtors concentrate on FSBO's for listings?

Why should Realtors concentrate on FSBO's for listings?

Sellers have paid commissions since the 1800's.  Therefore it's not a new thing.   So why should a FSBO hire you?  Well, sellers will only be willing to give up so much of their personal time with no return before they give up or decide to use the services of a professional.  You need to be there when they are ready to make that decision.

Here are few reasons why FSBOs should hire you.

1. You are trained Negotiator.  You do this everyday, you find common ground between buyers and seller to make the deal happen.

2. You are not Emotionally involved.  The sellers pride in the home can get in the way of many sales.

3. You can Qualify serious buyers.  How many times do people show up that cant afford the house?  To many !
4. You will sell it Faster than they can.  You have much better market exposure.

5. They don't know what to Disclose  Which could bring about liability issues.  Did you know that 50% of all law suits come from a Real Estate Transaction??

6. They only pay if you are Successful.  There are no risk the them for using your service, they only pay when you successfully sell.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Realtors working with FSBO's

Realtors, don't forget the FSBO's

FSBO's are not your enemy!

FSBO's are great prospects because they want to sell.  We joke in RE that FSBOs are mean, but the truth of the matter is they're not as tough as you think they are.  Use the same courtesy you would give to any of your customers.

Here are some tips to help prospecting FSBOs.

They are almost always priced wrong.  They need your help to come up with a pricing strategy that works.   Use your professionalism to show true market value.

Identify the sense of urgency.  You need to ask what is their time concern.  If they put their home on the market to "see if it will sell" they have no urgency.   Use their time frame to sell your marketing advantage

You have little competition, you think every agent in the community is prospecting FSBOs , but the truth is very few have the tenacity to follow through.   You lead the pack if your willing to call.

Offer something of value to get appointment.  Example: "Security Concerns" offer them a security checklist.

Be persistent if you don't get in the door the 1st attempt, don't loose hope.  Set Reminders....Consistent contact is the key.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Social Media Specialist Job Description

Job Title:
Social Media Specialist
Job Category:
Social Media
Position Type:
Date posted:

Reports to:
Social Media Manager
Position offered to:

Current Social Media Manager:


Job Description
Role and Responsibilities
Perform maintenance and management of assigned social media clients.  Complete assigned newsletter task, Communicate with team and clients,  attend team, department and all hands on deck meetings,  complete weekly performance reviews, manage personal time clock.  Complete special projects as assigned.
Key tasks and their purpose start with most important task
(please include a brief description if necessary):
Keeping Social Media Accounts up to date/post tracker - posting new ads and motivational/inspirational posts daily, help post on days that need it, like other posts, gain new followers, build accounts. Post tracker needs to be updated each week as well as add new organizations (Refrain from posting on social media accounts until further notice)
Communicate with the manager and team - Check in a few times each week to make sure they know what you are doing, how you are doing and if there are any assigned special tasks. Each week we receive ads from advertising, ensure that the ads for your client are up to date.
Newsletter- submit contribution/assignment by Tuesday at 11:59pm EST. 
Meetings- Attend All Hands On Deck, Communications Department and Social Media Department Meetings.  Attend all special meetings as required.
Timesheets- Ensure Work Performance Report is completed and turned in to manager by Tuesday at 11:59 p.m.
Time Clocks- Keep track of hours.  Ensure proper operation of Time Clock. Submit Time Clock Correction for for all corrections to your manager on the day correction is identified.
Build and develop relationships with other interns outside the departments and within Department:
Qualifications (education, experience, training, and technical skills required for this position):
Have knowledge for posting on social media accounts, building relationships on accounts as well as with team, being able to step up and take charge. Some computer and phone skills needed.

      Strong understanding of social media (Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn)
      Proficient in Microsoft applications
      Proficient in the use of Google Drive
      Organizational skills
      Detail orientated.
      Strong written skills and excellent grammar

University Consulting Exit Strategy


University Consulting has undergone some very serious changes in regards to management and the future of the organization. The CEO Allison Trustworthy was laid off; the interim CEO Dr. John Upward has stepped in and made the decision to dissolve University Consulting and all of its assets. This exit strategy document will serve to give direction to all current directors and employees in the Communications Department. 


This policy applies to all interns, managers, directors, and vice presidents within the University Consulting Communications Department. Weekly evaluation progress will be conducted to determine if adjustments are required to maintain the needs of the stakeholders.


Week 5/6
o   Receive special assignment from CEO Dr. John Upward and start to flesh out what the dissolution of University Consulting looks like.
o   Start to identify and take inventory of all assets within University Consulting.
Week 7
o   Begin the process of documenting the scope of work and customer profile for all current clients that University Consulting services to include Media Consulting, Advertising, Social Media, The Careers Department, and University Wellness.
o   Prepare termination letters for all of University Consulting’s current clients, run these documents by CEO Dr. John Upward in order to approve.
o   Identify all employees who are in the course and create organizational chart.  
o   Prepare University Radio for CEO Dr. John Upward to preserve for the future of this program.
Week 8
o   Perform status update and check in on current team assignments.
o   Assign new work as needed in order to keep employees on track and able to perform their duties for 10 hours a week. These assignments include white papers, ted talk speeches, MEME’s, and market analysis.
o   Continue to help the management consulting team, business process team, and future planning teams with their necessary deliverables. Including preservation and documentation of all logins, passwords, process documents, and other shared folders.
Week 9
    • Perform status update and check in on current team assignments.
    • Prepare for the closure of all business departments and begin finalize all assignments and special projects.
    • Ensure all directors finalize their departments for dissolution and stress the importance of documentation of all shared folders to the necessary special projects teams.
Week 10
    • Request final approval on termination letter from CEO Dr. John Upward.
    • Hold final meeting to thank employees and interns for their hard work during the dissolution, invite CEO Dr. John Upward to say a few words.
    • Send out all termination letters.
    • Package and share any final documents for the internship and perform a final inventory of assets and documents.
o   Perform weekly temperature checks of each team and ensure confusion and stress is low and provide clarification when needed.
o   Ensure all Directors are expressing the same message to their teams in order to dissolve University Consulting the most efficiently as possible.


The above exit strategy is to serve as documentation of process and procedures that will be carried out in the dissolution of University Consulting’s Communications Department. This document will be “living” up until the last day of the term. Changes can and likely will be made. In closing, the interns that are serving in this final term will learn a great deal of what is means to dissolve an organization. The future of this program is being preserved by the interns and all of the work that is being done to close down the operations of University Consulting’s business.


Alajoutsijarvi, K., Moller, K., & Tahtinen, J. (2000). Beautiful exit: How to leave your business partner. European Journal of Marketing, 34(11), 1270-1290. Retrieved from

Burgelman, R. A. (1996). A PROCESS MODEL OF STRATEGIC BUSINESS EXIT: IMPLICATIONS FOR AN EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE ON STRATEGY. Strategic Management Journal (1986-1998), 17, 193. Retrieved from
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