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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Team Work Discussion Board Rubric

Team Discussion Rubric: 25 points

Quality (40%) of your team post will be measured on the following criteria:
  • All assigned Discussion questions (7) were answered completely
  • Posts were on topic and unique in content
  • All posts demonstrated analysis of the topic
No quality criteria were met.
(0 points)
One criterion was met.
(2 points)
Two criteria were met.

(6 points)
Criteria were fully met.

(10 points)
____ pts.
Participation Guidelines (30%) will be measured on the following criteria:
  • Initial team post no later than Saturday, midnight ET
  • Team posts made to each discussion question on at least 3 different days
  • The original post to be no less than 100 words
  • All team members substantially contributed to creating the team posting.

No participation criteria met.
(0 points)
One criterion was met.

(1.5 points)
Two criteria were met.

(4.5 points)
Criteria were fully  met.

(7.5 points)
____ pts.

Clarity and Organization of Writing (20%) of your post will be measured on the following criteria:
  • Team posts were organized and  logical
  • No spelling or grammatical errors
  • References were used and cited properly

Criteria were not met at all.

(0 points)
One criterion was met.

(1 point)
Two criteria were met.
(3 points)
Criteria were fully met.
(5 points)
____ pts.
Professional & Netiquette (10%) in your post will be measured on the following criteria:
  • Respect and consideration toward peers/instructors
  • Adherence to “Rules of the Road”
  • Appropriate language
  • Professional use of abbreviations and acronyms

Criteria were not met at all.

(0 points)
One criterion was met.

(.5 points)
Two criteria were met.

(1.5 points)
Criteria were fully met.

(2.5 points)
____ pts.

Total Points in percentage


Total points x (DQ post value)

( ___% x __ pts)

____ pts.

Rules of the road:

1. Attack the problem and not the person.
2. When negotiating with team members, provide options rather than ultimatums.
3. Make sure to use Kaplan Netiquette as seen in your Syllabus, when working in teams.
4. It is advisable to make a team agreement (at least assign tasks) as to individual responsibilities which will aid in producing a better team deliverable.

Team Agreement

Team letter and Members:

Assigned Tasks (based on deliverables):

Team Meeting Times:
Process for Resolving Conflict:

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