Written Communication
Have you ever read a terrible piece of written communication? Have you ever had to critique one? Well, here is an example of a College student's demonstration of terrible writing abilities. From grammar problems to a lack of critical thinking skills, you will be appalled:
My local products is the laptop
computer they are all over the world, so this is a good product.
In the Countries of Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC).
For some time Brazil and Russia and, India and China have been grouped together under
together under the acronym BRIC. The BRIC are described as countries at the same stage of
economic development, but yet at the point where they would be considered more developed
countries. The BRIC position argue that, since the four countries are “developed rapid” Their
combined economies could eclipse the collective economics of the current richest countries of
the world by 2050.
In the Countries of Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC).
For some time Brazil and Russia and, India and China have been grouped together under
together under the acronym BRIC. The BRIC are described as countries at the same stage of
economic development, but yet at the point where they would be considered more developed
countries. The BRIC position argue that, since the four countries are “developed rapid” Their
combined economies could eclipse the collective economics of the current richest countries of
the world by 2050.
Average income
Average income in 2009 was 8,373, in 2010 was 10,978, in 2011 was 12,576, and in 2012 was
down to 11,340 GDP against United States Dollars.
Average income in 2009 was 3,749, in 2010 was 4,433, in 2011 was 5,447, and in 2012 was 6,
091 GDP against United State Dollars.
Average income in 2009 was 1,147, in 2010 was 1,417, in 2011 was 1,540, and in 2012 was
1,503 GDP against Unites States Dollars.
Average income in 2009 was 8,616, in 2010 was 10,710, in 2011 was 13,284 and in 2012 was
14,037 GDP against United States.
Average Family demographic:
mid 2011 (millions)
Brazil is 197, Russian is 143, India is 1,241, China is 1,346. Population in 2050 Brazil is 223,
Russia is 126 India is 1,692 and China is 1,313. Age is all important for its effect on the size of
the labor force. Indian remains a rather young country with 33 percent of its population below
age of 15, Brazil is not far behind at 25 percent, while China and Russia, due to their very low
birth rates, only 17 and 15 percent, respectively.
The population of all four BRIC countries are quite different, primary a result from of their
different birth histories. Brazil and China are somewhat similar, reflecting their transition to low
birth rates. Brazil birth rate is now at a low, industrialized country level of 1.9 children,
industrialized- country level of 1.9 children per woman. India has also made considerable
progress in it birth rates is 2.6.
China and Russia present two unusual age structures. China results from a number of mass
deaths, social disruption, and the country’s “one Child “policy, all of which affected the
population structure. In Russia, the economic disruption following dropped below 1.2 1999,
although it has risen to nearly 1.6 by 2010 (a Slowed in 2011). India is the “youngest” country of
the group, even by 2050, the 0-4 age group will be virtually equal to the 5-9 group.
Global demographic transition has transformation the economic and demographic life cycle of
individuals, and rearranged population in a way not imagined 100 years ago (Lee 2003; Kirk
1996). Demography, thus, has become an object of interest in many area, such as economic and
health. In education, population changes are also a central issue.
Because the student flows and composition are largely influenced by demographic trends
changes in population dynamic have become a central educational policy planning (Heffner
1981; willekens 2008). Considering the pace and a magnitude of population changes, it can be
predicted that developed countries will face a stagnation (or even a decline) in Education
participation among the relevant group in the long run.
Recent and projected evidence suggest that, in most developed societies, growth in enrollment is
likely to be slower (or even negative) as a result of aging populations, and thus, clientele
(Student) will tend to be older and more diverse than the past (Murdock and Hogue 1999; Hufner
1981; Trow1976; Vincent-Lancrin 2008).
In the developing world, the case of Brazil, Russia India and China (BRIC) is particularly
interesting for the study of the impact of demographic changes. Brazil, Russia, India and China
accounted 42 percent of the world’s population growth and approximately 30 percent of the
world’s land mass (World Bank 2011). Nevertheless, these countries exhibit considerable
diversity in regards to the stage and pace of their demographic.
Brazil is 197, Russian is 143, India is 1,241, China is 1,346. Population in 2050 Brazil is 223,
Russia is 126 India is 1,692 and China is 1,313. Age is all important for its effect on the size of
the labor force. Indian remains a rather young country with 33 percent of its population below
age of 15, Brazil is not far behind at 25 percent, while China and Russia, due to their very low
birth rates, only 17 and 15 percent, respectively.
The population of all four BRIC countries are quite different, primary a result from of their
different birth histories. Brazil and China are somewhat similar, reflecting their transition to low
birth rates. Brazil birth rate is now at a low, industrialized country level of 1.9 children,
industrialized- country level of 1.9 children per woman. India has also made considerable
progress in it birth rates is 2.6.
China and Russia present two unusual age structures. China results from a number of mass
deaths, social disruption, and the country’s “one Child “policy, all of which affected the
population structure. In Russia, the economic disruption following dropped below 1.2 1999,
although it has risen to nearly 1.6 by 2010 (a Slowed in 2011). India is the “youngest” country of
the group, even by 2050, the 0-4 age group will be virtually equal to the 5-9 group.
Global demographic transition has transformation the economic and demographic life cycle of
individuals, and rearranged population in a way not imagined 100 years ago (Lee 2003; Kirk
1996). Demography, thus, has become an object of interest in many area, such as economic and
health. In education, population changes are also a central issue.
Because the student flows and composition are largely influenced by demographic trends
changes in population dynamic have become a central educational policy planning (Heffner
1981; willekens 2008). Considering the pace and a magnitude of population changes, it can be
predicted that developed countries will face a stagnation (or even a decline) in Education
participation among the relevant group in the long run.
Recent and projected evidence suggest that, in most developed societies, growth in enrollment is
likely to be slower (or even negative) as a result of aging populations, and thus, clientele
(Student) will tend to be older and more diverse than the past (Murdock and Hogue 1999; Hufner
1981; Trow1976; Vincent-Lancrin 2008).
In the developing world, the case of Brazil, Russia India and China (BRIC) is particularly
interesting for the study of the impact of demographic changes. Brazil, Russia, India and China
accounted 42 percent of the world’s population growth and approximately 30 percent of the
world’s land mass (World Bank 2011). Nevertheless, these countries exhibit considerable
diversity in regards to the stage and pace of their demographic.
Since the end of the cold war and the expansion of global trade and investment, one of the major
risks for those interested in entering new economic s is the so called political risk. It refers to the
obstacles and complications business may face from political decision within markets they enter A Report from Price waterhouseCooper and the consultancy Eurasia group define “any political
change that alters the expected outcome and a value of a given economic action by changing the
probability of achieving business objectives”. Essentially, it refer to government obstacles that
companies from market economies can face in emerging economies, where state participation
and intervention in doing business larger.
Brazihas been the economic miracle of Latin American, having recently surpassed the UK as
the sixth economy in the world. Even though the years of dictatorship aren’t too far away,
political system is based on democratic principles with the risk of intension political conflict low
for the moments. The government, even though it tends to impose duties and taxes to protect
industries, doesn’t seem eager to engage in behavior which destruct competition, as other Latin
American economics did recently.
Inflation remains high, and the same stands true about the rich-poor gap even though. These
however do not impose threat for brazil‘s economy, as the county is rich in natural resources,
while the government is adopting an array of social policies.
Since the end of the cold war and the expansion of global trade and investment, one of the major
risks for those interested in entering new economic s is the so called political risk. It refers to the
obstacles and complications business may face from political decision within markets they enter A Report from Price waterhouseCooper and the consultancy Eurasia group define “any political
change that alters the expected outcome and a value of a given economic action by changing the
probability of achieving business objectives”. Essentially, it refer to government obstacles that
companies from market economies can face in emerging economies, where state participation
and intervention in doing business larger.
Brazihas been the economic miracle of Latin American, having recently surpassed the UK as
the sixth economy in the world. Even though the years of dictatorship aren’t too far away,
political system is based on democratic principles with the risk of intension political conflict low
for the moments. The government, even though it tends to impose duties and taxes to protect
industries, doesn’t seem eager to engage in behavior which destruct competition, as other Latin
American economics did recently.
Inflation remains high, and the same stands true about the rich-poor gap even though. These
however do not impose threat for brazil‘s economy, as the county is rich in natural resources,
while the government is adopting an array of social policies.
The Country had had a long story of instability , since end of the Russian empire. In the recent
years, with the iron will of Vladimir Putin, the country economy has stabilized, making it a safer
place to invest in. Even though many project-specific risks remain, and bribe might always
require, you can feel safer now for making an investment there, at least for the next 12 years that
President Putin to stay in power. Even though a number of social reaction occur, these do not impose a great risk for the country, as least for the from rest political parties. As many Russian
friends say, “We never had Democracy, extended freedom will create us problems, and everyone
will want to become a President”. (BRIC expansion.com –content 2012).
The country has a long history if democratic institution, making the creation of large political
disputes unlikely. Moreover, the country seems to have large growth opportunities, expected to
surpass China over the next decades, which will result on improvement of the life levels of many
Indians. Moreover, the national culture is widely influenced by the notions of casts, which is
translated currently in people more or less to remain in the social class they were when they were
born, lowering the risk or large scale social reactions and shifts of power.
The Country had had a long story of instability , since end of the Russian empire. In the recent
years, with the iron will of Vladimir Putin, the country economy has stabilized, making it a safer
place to invest in. Even though many project-specific risks remain, and bribe might always
require, you can feel safer now for making an investment there, at least for the next 12 years that
President Putin to stay in power. Even though a number of social reaction occur, these do not impose a great risk for the country, as least for the from rest political parties. As many Russian
friends say, “We never had Democracy, extended freedom will create us problems, and everyone
will want to become a President”. (BRIC expansion.com –content 2012).
The country has a long history if democratic institution, making the creation of large political
disputes unlikely. Moreover, the country seems to have large growth opportunities, expected to
surpass China over the next decades, which will result on improvement of the life levels of many
Indians. Moreover, the national culture is widely influenced by the notions of casts, which is
translated currently in people more or less to remain in the social class they were when they were
born, lowering the risk or large scale social reactions and shifts of power.
Chain has experience rapid growth in the recent years. Even through political scandals have
been arising from time to time, with most recent Bo Xital case, government remains powerful,
and disputes within the higher level of the Communist Party are unlikely. Problems however
might start appearing from social reactions of Chinese people, reaction facing constant inflation,
with cost of living, forbidding marriage! The high number of who have studied and live a broad
carry different experiences, which, couple by the corruption of politicians and the need of guanxi
in order to succeed can result in the creation of social anger, especially when the rapid growth
will stop.
Among, factors affecting employment risk, government effectiveness and the legal and
regulatory system appear to be the most important. All four countries are plagued by corruption
and opaque government policies and regulations. Consequently, high risks in employing people
in these locations arise of due to the lack of clarity and inconsistencies in employment
regulations. Often times, external counsels or consultations are required in order for companies,
especially the foreign ones, to negative their way through myriad complicated and inconsistent
employment lases. While ineffective government is often the norm in most developing countries,
some developing countries are making it an exception, counting on government effectiveness to
improve their overall development.
Nationalism, National sentiment is another issues that could work against foreign companies in
BRIC, where foreign companies may find themselves at a disadvantage as compared with local
firms. Such sentiment seems stronger in Russia, which has a long history of strong nationalism
as reflected in a series of violated anti-migrants incident in recent months. Nevertheless, national
is sentiment is almost as worrying in other BRIC countries. In India, for instances, regional
political power sometimes pressures companies hires” sons of the soil” ahead of workers from
other regional regions. China has also witness public protect aimed at foreign business under the
pretext of nationalism. In additions, political–motivated interference in labor disputes is also
common in BRIC.
Unemployment -BRIC
Brazil as last 4.90% before that is 5.00 the highest 13.10% the lowest is 4.30%
India as last is 3. 80 before that was 9.40% the highest is 9.40 % the lowest is 3.80%
Russia as last is 4.90% the highest is 5.30% Highest is 14.10% the lowest is 4.90%
China as last is 4.10 % the highest is 4.10% Highest is 4.30 % the lowest is 3.90%
Class Structure:
The world will for the first time in history, move from being mostly poor to mostly middle class
by 2022, (The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development projects). Asians, by
some Asians, by prediction, could constitute as much as two-thirds of global middle class,
shifting the balance of economic power from the West to the East.
In today middle class boom is unlikely the Industrial Revolution, in which rising prosperity
became a catalyst for increased individual and political freedom. Those in the emerging global
middle class- from an Indiana acquiring a flush toilet at home to a Brazilian who can afford a
private school to a Chinese lawyer with a new car in the driveway, are likely to redefine their
traditional roles and in doing so, redefine the world itself.
“I would expect that as the global middle life class gets transformed by the entrance
of hundreds of millions of Indians, Brazilian, Chinese families , the concept of what we see as
the middle-class values may change” Says Sonalde Desai a sociologist with the National Council
of Applied Economic Research (NCAR).
5 Top export/Import
Brazil Export:
1. Iron Ore, 2. Crude Oil, 3. Soybeans, 4. Sugar, 5. Poultry.
Brazil Import:
1. Crude Oil, 2. Automotive, 3. Liquid oils, 4. Auto parts, 5. Drugs and Medicine.
1. Mineral Fuels including oil, 2. Iron and steel, 3. Pearls, gems, precious metals and coins, 4.
Fertilizers, 5. Machinery.
1. Machines, engine, pumps, 2. Vehicle, 3. Electronic equipment , 4. Pharmaceuticals 5. Medical,
technical equipment.
India Export:
1. Live animal 2. Milk products, 3. Wheat, Rice, coffee, tea, spices.4. Medicines, 5. Fertilizers
1. Gems & Jewelry, 2. Petroleum (Crude & Products), 3. RMG Cotton Included Accessories, 4.
Machinery & Instruments 5. Drugs Phrimcutes & Fine Chemls.
China Export:
1. Electric equipment 2. Machines engines, Pump 3. Knit or crochet, 4. Clothes, 5. Furniture.
Electronics 2. Machinery, 3. Medicals technical equipment, 4.Vehicle .5. Iron & Steel
BRIC real GDP measures the total value of all goods and services produced by all four BRIC
countries adjusted for inflation. The four main components of GDP are personal consumption
expenditures, gross private domestic investment, net export and government spending.
Data and projections are sourced from international Monetary Fund (IMF), which updates data
Since the late 1990’s, the BRIC nations’ growth has far outpaced that of the United States and
the European Union. As such, The BRIC countries have been increasingly referred to as a
symbol of a shift in the global economic away from developed G7 (Plus Russia?), economies
toward developing world. As evidenced in the chart above, each country has grown rapidly over
the past decade, far outpacing the United States, the European Union and other developed
nations. Over the next decade, this trend is expected to continue to remain above 10%, far
outpacing that of the developed world.
The BRIC countries are typically lumped together because each country is deemed to by at a
similar stage of newly advanced economic development. Growth has been driven by each
country’s ability to change its political system and embrace capitalism. In Addition, each nation
contains vast nation resources and large populations. In total, the four BRIC countries encompass
over 25% of the world’s land coverage, contain about 40% of the world’s population and account
for about 17% of the world economy.
Despite rapid growth, each BRIC country already accounts for a large portion of world GDP;
China is the second largest economy in the world, While Brazil is the 7th, India is the 10th and
Russia is the 11th. AS result, the combined economies could eclipse the combined economies of
the current richest countries by 2050. Under this scenario, it is expected China and India will
become the dominant global suppliers of manufactured goods and services, with Brazil and
Russia gaining dominant as suppliers of raw materials. Brazil is dominant in soy and iron ore and
also contains vast oil reserves while Russia has enormous supplies of energy resources, particular
oil and national gas.
The revenue generation from BRIC countries are follows:
Brazil Export is $3,254.00 Billion, Imports is $1,948.8 Billion
Russia Export is $3,337.60 Billion, Imports is $1,88.03 Billon
India Export is $1,575.20 Billion Imports is $3,315.70 Billion
China Export is $1,286.20 Billion, Imports is $1,154.90 Billion
Chain has experience rapid growth in the recent years. Even through political scandals have
been arising from time to time, with most recent Bo Xital case, government remains powerful,
and disputes within the higher level of the Communist Party are unlikely. Problems however
might start appearing from social reactions of Chinese people, reaction facing constant inflation,
with cost of living, forbidding marriage! The high number of who have studied and live a broad
carry different experiences, which, couple by the corruption of politicians and the need of guanxi
in order to succeed can result in the creation of social anger, especially when the rapid growth
will stop.
Among, factors affecting employment risk, government effectiveness and the legal and
regulatory system appear to be the most important. All four countries are plagued by corruption
and opaque government policies and regulations. Consequently, high risks in employing people
in these locations arise of due to the lack of clarity and inconsistencies in employment
regulations. Often times, external counsels or consultations are required in order for companies,
especially the foreign ones, to negative their way through myriad complicated and inconsistent
employment lases. While ineffective government is often the norm in most developing countries,
some developing countries are making it an exception, counting on government effectiveness to
improve their overall development.
Nationalism, National sentiment is another issues that could work against foreign companies in
BRIC, where foreign companies may find themselves at a disadvantage as compared with local
firms. Such sentiment seems stronger in Russia, which has a long history of strong nationalism
as reflected in a series of violated anti-migrants incident in recent months. Nevertheless, national
is sentiment is almost as worrying in other BRIC countries. In India, for instances, regional
political power sometimes pressures companies hires” sons of the soil” ahead of workers from
other regional regions. China has also witness public protect aimed at foreign business under the
pretext of nationalism. In additions, political–motivated interference in labor disputes is also
common in BRIC.
Unemployment -BRIC
Brazil as last 4.90% before that is 5.00 the highest 13.10% the lowest is 4.30%
India as last is 3. 80 before that was 9.40% the highest is 9.40 % the lowest is 3.80%
Russia as last is 4.90% the highest is 5.30% Highest is 14.10% the lowest is 4.90%
China as last is 4.10 % the highest is 4.10% Highest is 4.30 % the lowest is 3.90%
Class Structure:
The world will for the first time in history, move from being mostly poor to mostly middle class
by 2022, (The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development projects). Asians, by
some Asians, by prediction, could constitute as much as two-thirds of global middle class,
shifting the balance of economic power from the West to the East.
In today middle class boom is unlikely the Industrial Revolution, in which rising prosperity
became a catalyst for increased individual and political freedom. Those in the emerging global
middle class- from an Indiana acquiring a flush toilet at home to a Brazilian who can afford a
private school to a Chinese lawyer with a new car in the driveway, are likely to redefine their
traditional roles and in doing so, redefine the world itself.
“I would expect that as the global middle life class gets transformed by the entrance
of hundreds of millions of Indians, Brazilian, Chinese families , the concept of what we see as
the middle-class values may change” Says Sonalde Desai a sociologist with the National Council
of Applied Economic Research (NCAR).
5 Top export/Import
Brazil Export:
1. Iron Ore, 2. Crude Oil, 3. Soybeans, 4. Sugar, 5. Poultry.
Brazil Import:
1. Crude Oil, 2. Automotive, 3. Liquid oils, 4. Auto parts, 5. Drugs and Medicine.
1. Mineral Fuels including oil, 2. Iron and steel, 3. Pearls, gems, precious metals and coins, 4.
Fertilizers, 5. Machinery.
1. Machines, engine, pumps, 2. Vehicle, 3. Electronic equipment , 4. Pharmaceuticals 5. Medical,
technical equipment.
India Export:
1. Live animal 2. Milk products, 3. Wheat, Rice, coffee, tea, spices.4. Medicines, 5. Fertilizers
1. Gems & Jewelry, 2. Petroleum (Crude & Products), 3. RMG Cotton Included Accessories, 4.
Machinery & Instruments 5. Drugs Phrimcutes & Fine Chemls.
China Export:
1. Electric equipment 2. Machines engines, Pump 3. Knit or crochet, 4. Clothes, 5. Furniture.
Electronics 2. Machinery, 3. Medicals technical equipment, 4.Vehicle .5. Iron & Steel
BRIC real GDP measures the total value of all goods and services produced by all four BRIC
countries adjusted for inflation. The four main components of GDP are personal consumption
expenditures, gross private domestic investment, net export and government spending.
Data and projections are sourced from international Monetary Fund (IMF), which updates data
Since the late 1990’s, the BRIC nations’ growth has far outpaced that of the United States and
the European Union. As such, The BRIC countries have been increasingly referred to as a
symbol of a shift in the global economic away from developed G7 (Plus Russia?), economies
toward developing world. As evidenced in the chart above, each country has grown rapidly over
the past decade, far outpacing the United States, the European Union and other developed
nations. Over the next decade, this trend is expected to continue to remain above 10%, far
outpacing that of the developed world.
The BRIC countries are typically lumped together because each country is deemed to by at a
similar stage of newly advanced economic development. Growth has been driven by each
country’s ability to change its political system and embrace capitalism. In Addition, each nation
contains vast nation resources and large populations. In total, the four BRIC countries encompass
over 25% of the world’s land coverage, contain about 40% of the world’s population and account
for about 17% of the world economy.
Despite rapid growth, each BRIC country already accounts for a large portion of world GDP;
China is the second largest economy in the world, While Brazil is the 7th, India is the 10th and
Russia is the 11th. AS result, the combined economies could eclipse the combined economies of
the current richest countries by 2050. Under this scenario, it is expected China and India will
become the dominant global suppliers of manufactured goods and services, with Brazil and
Russia gaining dominant as suppliers of raw materials. Brazil is dominant in soy and iron ore and
also contains vast oil reserves while Russia has enormous supplies of energy resources, particular
oil and national gas.
The revenue generation from BRIC countries are follows:
Brazil Export is $3,254.00 Billion, Imports is $1,948.8 Billion
Russia Export is $3,337.60 Billion, Imports is $1,88.03 Billon
India Export is $1,575.20 Billion Imports is $3,315.70 Billion
China Export is $1,286.20 Billion, Imports is $1,154.90 Billion
Total Export is 9,453.00 Billion Total Imports is 6,607.43 Billion
Companies from developed countries are increasingly investing heavily in emerging markets to
participate in the tremendous growth. The BRIC countries are the preferred destination for these
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) feel sharply last year to $1Trillion from $1.7 Trillion in 2008
(UNCTAD). However, the overall trend of FDI flow is still up in last decade since FDI into
many of the emerging countries peaked in 2008.
According to Economist javiar Santiso in the rise of euro-emerging multinationals, “China drew
a comfortable $ 90 billion from foreign companies investing in the country’s factories and other
productive assets in 2009 alone, China attracted more than $12 billion in FDI, up 103% from a
year earlier. In Brazil, FDI fell by half in 2009 but from a historical records in 2008 of $45
Debts clock
Brazil 1st clock debt clock to the public: 61.6445963; 2nd debt clock to GDP is 24.73564%
Companies from developed countries are increasingly investing heavily in emerging markets to
participate in the tremendous growth. The BRIC countries are the preferred destination for these
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) feel sharply last year to $1Trillion from $1.7 Trillion in 2008
(UNCTAD). However, the overall trend of FDI flow is still up in last decade since FDI into
many of the emerging countries peaked in 2008.
According to Economist javiar Santiso in the rise of euro-emerging multinationals, “China drew
a comfortable $ 90 billion from foreign companies investing in the country’s factories and other
productive assets in 2009 alone, China attracted more than $12 billion in FDI, up 103% from a
year earlier. In Brazil, FDI fell by half in 2009 but from a historical records in 2008 of $45
Debts clock
Brazil 1st clock debt clock to the public: 61.6445963; 2nd debt clock to GDP is 24.73564%
Russia 1st clock debt clock to the public: 6.7447431; 2nd debt clock to GDP is 32.857060%
India 1st debt clock to the public: 46.3868797; 2nd debt clock to GDP is 24.40035663 %
China 1st debt clock to the public: 19.6782919; 2nd debt clock to GDP is 7.038912 %
1. Suzuki Motors Japan, 2. Hyundai Motors Korea, 3. Hankook Tire Korea, 4. BBVA
Europe, 5. HSBC Europe
1. www.worldsrichestcountries.com/top_china_imports.html07/09/2014
2. www.worldsrichestcoutries.com/top_china_exports.html 07/09/2014
3. www.worldsstopexports.com/russias-top-10-exports/2350 07/09/2014
4. www.worldsrichestcountries.com/_russia_import.html07/09/2014
5. www.thebrazibusiness.com/article/top-10-braizilian0import 07/09/2014
6. www.miniyanville.com/trading-andinvesting/commodities/articles/iron-ore Brazil export.htm
7. www.indianyellowpages.com/support/india-export-import-guide/top-import-export.html
8. www.csmonitor.com/world/2011/0517/Surging-BRIC-middle-classes-are-eecliping.html
9. www.prb.org/Publications/Articles/2012/brazil-russia-india-china.aspx 07/08/2014
10. www.Data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.CD 05/22/2104
11. Mireles Guimaras Rangel Raquel, The future of higher education in BRIC countries
12. www.isnare.com/?aid=978914&ca=Finances 07/09/2014
13. Sincavage, Jessica R., Carl Haub and Sharam, O.P. “Lobar Cost in India Organized
Manufacturing Sector,” Monthly Labour Review 133, no 5. (2010):3-22 (Prb Org).
14. www.briceexpansion.com/risky-politics-brics 09/08/2014
www.Referenceforbusiness.com/mamangement/str-ti/strategu-in-the-global.htm 7/10/2014
www.topforeginstocks.com/2010/02/25/multinational-companies.htm 7/10/2014
www.ippmeadia.com/frontend/index/php?1=65337 7/10/2014
www.usdebtclock.org/world-debt-clock 7/10/14
www.worldsrichestcountries.com/top-brazil-export-import 7/11/2014
www.worldsrichestcountry.com/top-russia-export-import 7/11/2014
www.worldsrichestcountry.com/top-india-export-import 7/11/2014
www.worldsrichestcounty.com/top-china-export-import 7/11/2014
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