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Saturday, February 22, 2020

Traitify Career Assessment

Traitify Career Assessment was very educational. The results showed that I am a planner/action-taker. Planner/Action-taker is someone that everyone turns to get things done, don’t like to waste time, pay attention to every detail within the project, assist friends with home projects, prefer small groups versus large group.
My personality breakdown was 87% Planner, 72% Action-Taker, 64% Analyzer, 63% Visionary, 62% Mentor, 60% Inventor, and 44% Naturalist. Personality breakdown showed I was 100% Compulsive – compelled to behave a certain way, Conventional was 100% - concerned about acceptable things, Particular 93% - exact and detailed,  and Likes Familiarity 90% - prefer known and routine, Goal-Oriented 85% - value the end-results, Realistic 84% - real sense of practical and workable, Deliberate 83% - slow in deciding, and Serious 83%. Reading these responses was an eye-opener. There were some personalities that I thought would be higher but after reading the assessment it makes sense why the percentages were log.
Environments assessment is interesting as well. The results showed that I foster autonomy, is routine-oriented and structure, offers tangible results, and outlines clear goals to be accomplished. The environment assessment aligns with the personality assessment results of the planner/action-taker.
The career path match is an impressive feature as well. The best matches were Procurement Clerks, Billing and Posting Clerks, Document Management Specialists, Social and Human Service Assistants, Clinical Data Managers, etc. I was surprised that the Executive Assistant and Secretarial was 77%. I’ve been an administrative assistant for over 13 years and was always searching for more. The assessment makes sense.
Webb, Repetto, Seabrooks-Blackmore, Patterson, & Alderfer stated there are several components of career development: 1 – Self-determination and person-centered planning, 2 – Career assessment, and 3 – Career planning. They also stated that “often, academics are considered more important than assisting students to learn about the areas in which they excel and what they might like to do as adults (Webb, Repetto, Seabrooks-Blackmore, Patterson, & Alderfer; 2014)”. Career development helps students understand themselves and help them determine which career path to take. This should be implemented within organizations to help employees who feel stuck in their department/career find the best fit within the organization. This could eliminate a lot of turnover rates.
O’Toole and Lawler analysis of workplace changes showed several areas of career opportunities: 1- insufficient creations of new “good jobs”, 2 – increased choice and risk of workers, 3- change nature of careers, 4 – reduction in community and commitment, 5 – Unrealized opportunities to make more efficient use of human capital (Feller, 2011). Workplace preparation demands and job forecast or hard to project. Using the right tools can assist a student or organization in the right career path. In the words of Webb, Repetto, Seabrooks-Blackmore, Patterson, & Alderfer “As professionals, we owe it to them!”

Feller, R. (2011). Advancing the STEM Workforce through STEM-centric career Development. Technology & Engineering Teacher, 71(1), 6–12. 
Webb, K., Repetto, J., Seabrooks-Blackmore, J., Patterson, K. B., & Alderfer, K. (2014). Career development: Preparation, integration, and collaboration. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 40(3), 231–238. 

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