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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

What good is therapy?

Therapy can be useful for symptoms like depression, anxiety, or unhappiness, or for more serious mental health conditions. Its main focus is on understanding and dealing with the underlying causes of those issues. People gain self-awareness and self-understanding, which can lead to new ways of seeing and handling problems in life.
During therapy sessions, people are encouraged to talk openly about whatever is on their mind, at their own pace and in their own terms. The therapist listens in a curious and nonjudgmental way, asking questions and providing their perspective, but does not follow a pre-defined agenda or focus on teaching “skills”. There is no predetermined duration for this kind of therapy; it may take as long as the person continues to see benefits.
People will likely talk about their past, including their childhood, and how it may still influence their present-day life. There may also be an emphasis on understanding past and present relationships, experiences and patterns. This therapy believes that our thoughts and feelings might have important meaning. Thoughts and feelings are considered neither “negative” nor “irrational,” and making sense of them is a big part of what helps people feel better.
With this therapy, many people experience not only a reduction of their symptoms, but can live a richer and freer life. They may continue to improve even after they stop going to therapy, because this therapy addresses underlying patterns that affect many areas of their life. People can recognize and stop old patterns, look at their past in different ways, change how they feel about themselves and others, and open up new possibilities for living going forward.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

5 Essentials Tips for Teaching Online

For educators who have never taught online before—and for those brushing up on the basics—online teaching expert Bill Schiano shares his top five tips for creating a successful virtual classroom experience.
1. Make eye contact.
If you want to engage students, you’ve got to be looking at that camera. Make your notes easy to see. If I’m looking down at my notes, you’ll see my bald spot, but you won’t see my eyes. You’re not engaged with me. Try posting a photo of your students near your webcam—remember that you’re talking to people, not a machine.
2. Involve your students as much as possible.
Make your class session as interactive as you can. If you’re planning to just lecture, then record the lecture and make the recording available asynchronously instead. In a live session, remind yourself at least every 15 minutes to intersperse some form of interaction—be it taking questions, running polls, or calling on students to share examples, so it’s not just you speaking.
3. Bring your best self.
As much as you can, engage yourself and show your passion. Maybe it’s with your hand gestures and vocal intonation, or maybe it’s with the conviction of your words. Remember why you became a teacher and use that energy, that sense of purpose, and convey that passion to your students. It’s even more essential online because you need to be bigger when you’re online—you’re often competing with more distractions and students who feel like they can go on mute and tune out.
4. Remember that online connections are real connections.
Decide what the tone of your class is going to be—casual, formal, or somewhere in between. That’s going to help you decide what your assignments will look like, how you’re going to introduce your students to one another, and what it’ll feel like to be part of the community you’re building. The more you can build that community, the more your students are going to feel invested in the course, and the more likely they are to engage in the work. You want everyone in the class to want everyone else to be better. Many of your students will want that strong sense of connection, too, because they’ll miss being able to physically go to campus and talk to people.
5. Embrace the opportunity.
You now have the opportunity to work with students online, which means they have an opportunity to learn online—this is going to help them develop skills that will be extremely useful to them in their careers. As more and more work gets done virtually, being comfortable interacting virtually and getting acclimated to the tools they’ll use in online courses will be helpful to them long term. Keep that big picture in mind whenever you’re struggling—and know that, with practice, you can absolutely translate your physical classroom skills to an online environment.

Caring Leadership in times of crisis

Leading in Crisis

You might be tired of reading about the current pandemic, however, this topic overwrites everything now. Everyone has to shift into a new direction to be able to find her/his own guiding star on the horizon again. The current situation forces managers to create new ways of leading people (who mostly work from home now), and they also have to show different aspects of their personality. Managers and leaders have to be more empathetic these days and they have to demonstrate that they really do care for their colleagues.

Crisis Leadership
Current situations put assertiveness, caring, and compassion to a test. This is what our colleagues will remember in the long run of us: how we behaved during hard times. We all know that there is always an upward after a slope, and we will need those people who stand with us in times of turbulence. But employees follow and stay only with caring leaders. Be sure to be one of those leaders, who can keep their colleagues in the long run.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Business Process Management and change management

Today organizations are traditionally engaged in change, especially to react to the dynamic environment, dominated by extreme competition, increasing customer needs and the extraordinary technologies-introduction rate. Particularly, in order to reach a sustainable competitive advantage, the literature has focused on ambidexterity as one of the most important theoretical concepts related to organization performance. Ambidexterity is the ability to reach an efficient equilibrium between exploration, or innovation-related activities, and exploitation, or refinement-related activities. The purpose of setting a change in strategy     is important to shift with the needs of customers an d to stay ahead in market competition. Must be able to adjust quickly and shift focuses at any time.
            Due process is the means by which ethical constraints are placed on administrative decision-making. I have developed a model of variation in due process and use this model to explore the implementation of ‘‘due process’’ norms by three standard-setting bodies. It is about setting standards that create processes that help reach goals and bottom line.
Binci, D., Belisari, S., & Appolloni, A. (2019). BPM and change management. Business Process Management Journal, 26(1), 1-23. 
Richardson, A. J. (2008). Due process and standard-setting: An analysis of due process in three canadian accounting and auditing standard-setting bodies: JBE JBE. Journal of Business Ethics, 81(3), 679-696. 

Sunday, March 15, 2020


“A process is a series of tasks or steps that receive inputs (materials, information, people, machine, and methods) and produce an output (physical product, information, a service) designed to be used for a specific purpose by the recipient for whom the output is produced”.  It is important to distinguish between a task and a process.  The way to determine between the two is that a processes is defined by the sequence of tasks that contribute to the output.
Many, if not most companies are looking for methods and ways to “better manage radical change.  Change is a continuous process which forces firms and/or companies to adjust and      re-adjust their activities with each passing day”.  Even if a particular business is content with the way their business is run, there is always room for improvement through the various operations and processes.  Constant improvement is absolutely necessary to remain competitive in the present as well as in the future.  Having a strategy is key as it sets a direction and creates a foundation to be followed by those involved.  This will optimize results as well as keeping a form of communication while keeping a “self-contained workflow”.
In managing the business processes, the common goal to strive for is continuous improvements which are measured by the results.  These business activities include available resources, a specific goal and the measurement of prior success or lack thereof.  In the end, the outcome of success is based on the practice that is used as well as the knowledge and expertise of management.

Bhaskar, H. L. (2018). BUSINESS PROCESS REENGINEERING: A PROCESS BASED MANAGEMENT TOOL. Serbian Journal Of Management13(1), 63-87. doi:10.5937/sjm13-13188. 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Business process versus coordination process

Managers today have to deal with organization hierarchy, department isolation, poor coordination, and limited communication. Due to the organization process being difficult at the time it makes it hard for management to get things done (Garvin, 1998). Kim Hee-Woong stated that the lack of organization within an organization can create a poor performance which in turn will cause coordination costs to go up. Successfully implementing the organization process requires numerous dependencies as well as identifying the elements affecting the process. Implementing a Process Handbook (PH) would show the business process and how resources are allocated. This will assist with the organization's processes and procedures becoming a part of the organization's success (Hee-Woong, K., 2000).
As organization process change Leadership should encourage and motivate staff during the change by implementing fair procedures as well. This would mean creating an organization identity that influences staff and customers. This can be done by including staff in the process from beginning to end. Including staff in the process will ensure Leadership gets a full view of whether or not the process will benefit management only or the organization as a whole (Tyler, T. R., & De Cremer, D. (2005).

I definitely agree that many businesses deal with “organizational hierarchy, poor coordination, department isolation as well as limited communication”.  The combination could be devastating to any business if not corrected.  Performance and productivity would suffer, employee morale would deteriorate and there would be an increase in employee turnover.  When communication is lacking, employee’s actions will most likely result in unmet expectations and passion and motivation will be non-existent.
The role of leadership not only is to encourage and motivate staff but should also be able to delegate responsibilities and lead by example.  This will create a sense of direction and will inspire personnel to work to their potential.

Garvin, D. (1998, July 15). Massachusetts Technology. Retrieved from The Processes of Organization and Management:
Hee-Woong, K. (2000). Business process versus coordination process in organizational change. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 12(4), 275-290. 
Tyler, T. R., & De Cremer, D. (2005). Process-based leadership: Fair procedures and reactions to organizational change. Leadership Quarterly, 16(4), 529-545. 

Friday, March 13, 2020

5 Key Reasons Why It's Important To Have Policies and Procedures

Sarah Neideck stated there is five reason employers should have policies and procedures:
  1. Set expectations – setting policies, and procedures should set the organization standard of behavior, conduct, and how employees should perform.
  2. Management held accountably – setting standards for managers will guide managers on how to conduct themselves and provide transparency to the rest of the workforce.
  3. Stay in compliance with the law – policies and procedures will help the organization stay in compliance with federal and state laws.
  4. Assist with employee/employer claims – can assist employees/employers in defending against legal claims but a set guideline on how to report, investigate, and resolve and claims filed against the organization.
  5. A guide for employees needing help –  have policy and procedure in place where employees know where to turn for help. All policies should list who to contact with questions and should define the process and options for handling grievance.

Neideck, S. (2016, July 19). 5 Key Reasons Why It's Important To Have Policies and Procedures. Retrieved from

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Business process improvement

In a business setting, there are many factors and variables that contribute to the success of a company.  Within the company, it is imperative to be able to adjust and cope with any changes that may arise.  Within the processes and procedures there are many variables that are involved.  The processes are basically the “parts” within system that make something functional.  It involves determining what exactly is needed to accomplish a particular task at hand. This is an important tool that can be used by management.  On the other hand, a procedure is more involved and includes specifics. Organizational processes define a specific set of outcomes and the basic tasks and activities that are needed to achieve it.  “Business process implementation has been primarily seen as a redesign of the workflow with the consequent organizational change assumed to be taking place automatically or through a process of “muddling through”. 
Many organizations have redesigned and improved their business processes in order for them to adapt to the rapidly changing management environment.  This process consists of essential components which include the following: setting specific goals, process analysis, needed improvements, performance measurements and any organizational changes to implement the new process.

Klefsjo, B. (1998, 06). Business process improvement workbook: Documentation, analysis, design, and management of business process improvement. Quality Progress, 31, 110. 
Sikdar, A., & Payyazhi, J. (2014). A process model of managing organizational change during business process redesign. Business Process Management Journal, 20(6), 971-998. 

What are the benefits of FLOW?

"How do I, my team or my whole organization benefit from Flow? What 's in it for me?"
First of all, we have to define what Flow is, and what Flow is not. Flow is definitely not a spiritual, esoteric term, but rather a terminology for those experiences that we all might encounter throughout our lives, or even on a daily basis. In this week's article, we share not just the definition of Flow, but also the 7 benefits of Flow for you.
Knowing not just how you as an individual can benefit from Flow, but also how you can create a Flow-promoting environment for your colleagues, can increase the engagement and productivity in the long run.
 Check out the FLOW blog here:
So, check out this week's article about the benefits of Flow, and let me know what resonated with you from this article. What are those benefits that you might have experienced already, and what are those that you still looking forward to achieving?

Monday, March 9, 2020

Top management control functions

            The article is about the importance of information technology in small to medium size businesses. Technology resources help enhances competence in today’s global economy. It is importance to have controls in the system for management and determine who in management will have the ability to control those areas. An Information System uses people, hardware, software, data and network resources to perform input, processing, output, storage and control activities that transform data resources into information products. You must be specific when it comes to go practices so everyone is clear. The present work focuses on the key functions of Top Management Controls. The controls can be applied at planning, organizing, leading and controlling functions.
Management, planning and controls are extremely important in the success of a business. It is important to have the right leadership and management in place to ensure those areas are properly being sought after. I think it is extremely important that management has good communication with the team and sets the expectation of goals and what is expected. This always helps the process run smoothly. My company just merged with another company back in October, I am the director of operations and I am currently working on creating strategic plans, policies and help take this company to the next level. The prior management never communicated with the team, set goals and had no real direction. This will all take some time but we will get there.

Vijayakumar, U. (2009). Top management control functions for information systems in small and medium enterprises. Informatica Economica, 13(4), 109-115.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Business Process Outsourcing Framework

Strategic outsourcing looks for overall business improvement and competitive advantages rather than simple cutting costs; therefore, a company could attain its strategic goals by focusing on central activities to organizational success. Tactical outsourcing has a short-term focus on minimizing operational costs or maximizing daily operations productivity. Companies are ale=ways looking for ways to cut costs and outsourcing is a major way in cutting the costs. BPO have become more and more popular in this aspect as they can handle most responsibilities such as business planning, business processes, financial management and human resource management.
I really enjoyed your post and you have a lot of great resources. Management, planning and controls are extremely important in the success of a business. It is important to have the right leadership and management in place to ensure those areas are properly being sought after. I think it is extremely important that management has good communication with the team and sets the expectation of goals and what is expected. This always helps the process run smoothly. My company just merged with another company back in October, I am the director of operations and I am currently working on creating strategic plans, policies and help take this company to the next level. The prior management never communicated with the team, set goals and had no real direction. This will all take some time but we will get there.

Mahmoodzadeh, E., Sh. Jalalinia, & Yazdi, F. N. (2009). A business process outsourcing framework based on business process management and knowledge management. Business Process Management Journal, 15(6), 845-864.  

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Social media marketing, functional branding strategy and intentional branding

The use of e-commerce and its effect on marketing and branding emphasizes how social media and its rapid growth has drastically changed major aspects of business operations. The onset provides descriptions of the advancement of the internet and a consensus of business evolutions to correlate together. Marketing and the differences between functional and intentional branding describe websites such as Facebook by indicating how convenient and useful they are to consumers. Functional branding allows a company to positively effect consumers’ ideas about their image. These social media sites have made it easier to reach millions of people in a matter of days. Intentional branding is the actual design of a brand. This can include a company logo but expands even further to the company’s business operations as well as the overall mission and vision statements. Social media and marketing have become a collaborative arrangement. It has become one of the biggest marketing platforms in the world today.
Mohammad Fahmi Al-Zyoud. (2018). Social media marketing, functional branding strategy and intentional branding. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 16(3), 102-116. 

Friday, March 6, 2020

B2B service brand identity and brand performance

The connection between brand identity and brand performance encompasses five major components: brand personality, HR initiatives, corporate visual identity, employee/client focus, and consistent communications. All of these elements factor into brand performance which has three measurements – financial, consumer, and employees. Each of the following segments covers one of the five components previously listed, and it provides a base analysis. Brand personality is the company’s ability to form a positive attitude in consumers; it is especially prevalent in sports and clothing brands. Human resources plays a pivotal role as it is responsible for the recruitment and training which are known to positively influence overall performance. Corporate identity is the visual image depicted by the company for the market to see; this connection prompts high quality B2B market relations. Employee and client focus describe the guided brand relationships with these distinctive groups. The ability of a company to focus relations of employees to create positive client images is crucial. Communications is imperative since it allows companies to maintain long-term relationships with clients and identify areas for improvement.

The three aforementioned internal measurement tools are utilized by companies to evaluate their own brand identity. The easiest way for companies to obtain this information is through financial data such as revenue and profit. Employee and consumer measures focus attention on satisfaction and loyalty. Despite their key differences, all three tools are vital to corporate leadership, solidifying the company vision


Coleman, D. A., de Chernatony, L., & Christodoulides, G. (2015). B2B service brand identity and brand performance. European Journal of Marketing, 49(7), 1139-1162.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Domino's PEST Analysis

All companies go through changes, some of those changes can lead to vulnerabilities.  To mitigate those vulnerabilities, it is beneficial a look at the big picture.  One way to look at that picture is to complete a PEST Analysis.  A PEST Analysis is a simple and widely used tool that helps you analyze the Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural, and Technological changes in your business environment. (MindTools, 2020)
As the CEO of Dominos, I believe there are a lot of decisions that could be made to lessen the overall footprint that aids to climate change.  Object one to me is simply working to utilize green energy.  With all of the stores nationwide, trying to invest in solar technologies and possibly even wind technologies could supplement most if not all of the energy used.  By utilizing renewable energy, it would be a significant step in the right direction. 
A second item to address would be the vehicles used for delivery.  Delivering can utilized a great amount of fuel to keep the vehicles running around all day every day.  There is an opportunity to test the electric vehicle market to eliminate the emissions from a normal gas-powered vehicle.  This would tie in with the first initiative of utilizing green energy as you would now be powering not just the stores, but the vehicles as well.  Again, this would be an opportunity to lessen the footprint needed to accomplish a large portion of the duties of all stores. 
One last item to look at I believe that most pizza places to a good job at is their packaging.  Working to eliminate packaging that takes a significant time to decompose.  Mainly in some to go type containers.  The plastic to-go containers are a good cheap option, but they create a lot of excess waste that takes too long to decompose.  By utilizing paper style products, you are still able to send peoples food home in a nice container without the long-term effects to the planet. 
To me the difference in social effect between a society with legislation and one with none is change itself.  I think that there are enough companies out there that are only going to look at the bottom line and stay just within regulations.  They would be the companies that pay no mind to the initiatives above to try and limit their footprint.  They would do everything possible to keep cost down to maximize their profits.  Taken the lead of a major company like Dominos, you have the opportunity to set the standard by maintaining a standard well above the regulations.  I think the bulk of the decisions show an awareness for the planet.  They go beyond just that focus however.  By making the right decisions you can do right and still make a profit.  Sure, it may not be as large as it could be if you were to cut corners.  The flip side to that is that people are becoming more and more enlightened every day.  They see when a company is trying to do right and are willing to do more business with them.  So you may loose out on profit per transaction, but you may also see an increase in overall sales to balance that perceived lower profit.


MindTools. (2020). PEST Analysis. Retrieved from MIndTools:
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